Un chico conoce a una chica. Deambulan por la ciudad mientras se conocen. Mediante avances y retrocesos van construyendo y deconstruyendo un vínculo que se presenta como extranjero a lo cotidiano.
A guy meets a girl. They roam the city as they get to know each other. Through a series of ups and downs they build and deconstruct a relationship that presents itself as out of the ordinary.

Cast: Martin Shanly - Camila Fabbri.
Written and directed by Kevin Zayat.
Executive Production: Tadeo Pestaña Caro & Rogelio Navarro.
Cinematography: Facundo Ballvé.
Art Direction: Rogelio Navarro.
Sound Direction: Vanessa Matta Heeger.
Director Assistant: Mariana Sanguinetti & Javier Cibils Madero.
Film Editing: Lucas Casolo
Licuar la Nada / Blending the Void © 2017 Argentina

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